Sunday, March 22, 2009

I've been around..

So here I am, with nothing to say. I can express no emotion, because I no longer feel, nor do I care to. I love living each day with a clear head and an open mind, walking around in a level-headed tomb, but don't let it get the best of you, because I'm stronger than ever and still disgusted by your empathy of self-reflection and ignorance.

This is me, laughing at you, because you're weak.
Denial will get the best of you. Consume.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's been some time..

So I haven't updated this in a few days, I've been quite caught up in life. A friend of mine recently passed away from a trauma related incident in which he fell 12ft, striking the back of his head on concrete; he had severe bleeding in his brain and his heart stopped a few days later. He was only 22yrs old. If you believe in prayer, than feel free to drop some on his 19yr old wife, newly turned 4yr old daughter, his 2 brothers and all the family/friends affected by the incident. RIP Alex Rosales.

Besides this recent tragedy, I've been pretty busy in school. I had midterms a week ago. I was scared I really screwed up on my test(s), but ends up I came out on top, yessssss. In other news, I've been in recomp mode for the last month and a half (working out), and now the time has come to start bodybuilding again. I haven't worked out at all this week, and on Monday I start back harder than ever. I am going to smash every plateau from my last 'season.' Other than that, everything has been same old same old. I still encounter people on the daily that remind me of how ignorant, close-minded, and straight up dumb people can be. Do people honestly even use their brains anymore? Free yourself already.

RIP All my fallen friends.